Industrial washing-, sandblasting and vibratory finishing machines – IM Tekniikka.
IM Tekniikka markets and sells industrial spray- and ultrasonic washing machines, dry and wet sandblasting machines and vibratory finishing machines. (main areas are surface cleaning, surface preparation and mechanical surface treatment). Our productline includes well known branches in its field of product. We deliverer solutions from invudial accessories to total deliveries.
Our service include in addition to consulting sales, machine deployment and training with techinical support and maintenance of machines. Our customer base consist of metal industry, industrial maintenance and machinery in various fields and equipment repair companies.
Good products and best customers
IM Tekniikka is networked company who have good products and best customers.
After the year of 1991 we have supplied our customers over 800 machines. Idea Machine spraycleaning machines account for a major. We have over 30-years knowledge of washing- and surface treatment machine sales.
Normfinish sandblasting machines represents the absolute top of sandblasting technology and we have sold over 150 machines in different companies. Third main product is Kromas vibratory and centrifugal finishing machines, whose import we started in autumm of year 2000. In spring 2012 we started also co-operation with ultrasonic manufacturer Everest .
We want to offer to our customer possible to test different types of cleaning methods with our show machines. Our office is in Sorto, Järvenpää brings better changes for our operating model. Deliveries in we strive to save our customers time, increase capacity, improve the quality of products and the conclusion.
PROJECTA OY has acquired the business of IM Tekniikka Oy